world cup...

ya ya ya...
i know half the world are so into the world cup and the other half don't even care...
you need to understand the mechanics of football to understand why...
and even if you might disagree strongly why men and some women behave differently during the world cup...
it's gotta be the passion cause without'll NEVER enjoy the game...enjoy the level of skill shown...enjoy the outrageous hairdos(trust me on this)...enjoy the players...enjoy the fans(some who travelled from far)...all in's the whole package.
hell...i'll even stop clubbing for the whole duration...
and really the expressions on the faces of the supporters are a sight to behold(at times it's really quite funny and at times it's really quite sad)...
you will see a lot of colours,fashion,funny banners,beautiful women(esp. latin ones)...but most of all it's all about the level of commitment and pride shown by the players out of respect for country and fans(there are some idiots la who spoils the game)
so before it actually starts...
go go go england(and screw rooney)


caterpillar said…
shucks man, germany is playing so well... *DOH*

:P btw, i've added your blog onto my blogsite. hope that's ok!
May. said…
i findeth ure bloggie. xD hahaha. football aje tau.

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