feeling a bit nostalgic...

i have a friend who's getting married this weekend...and thinking about the times we had together when we were younger...growing up in the same church and all just got me feeling mushy la...growing in a church and watching others grow is a joy cause...really...you get to see the transformation and though it does make you feel old at times...it also make you happy to see that God has blessed them and has kept them by His side and still is blessing and keeping them near to Him...
mind you the woman that he's marrying is 1 of the most soft spoken,kind hearted and compassionate ladies that i know and i thank God that He has blessed them with 1 another...and though it is a big step...marrying...i can honestly say that God will continue to bless and watch over them...
it has been a joy to know this brother of mine...though we had our differences(don't everybody)...we also had good times while lunching and skipping work to catch a movie...honestly how many would do that...mind you...it was a spur of a moment knid of thing...
and it is this small little stuffs that binds us...not just him and me but to others...i know i have many good and also bad times with my closest friends...and it is the whole package la...we can't choose and i can honestly say that i wouldn't want any other way...thru this experiences we bond and grow and though we sometimes hate each others guts...thru thick and thin...we all become stronger...
so as i enjoy the sheer pleasure of driving the couple in a S-CLASS MERC...i have got 1 thing more to add...TRUE FRIENDSHIP CONSIST NOT IN THE MULTITUDE OF FRIENDS,BUT IN THEIR WORTH AND VALUE...(ben jonson)


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