when is enough...enough

question...when is enough...enough?!
hmmm....i think that it's true for most of us...it could be anything...like at work helping colleagues out when it's not your problem...how far do you go? when do you stop? to what extend do you assist? at home...household chores...when will you stop doing it...especially when your siblings don't seem to care whether the garbage has been thrown out or the soiled dishes that needs to be washed...i think you get the picture...
sometimes being nice is too nice if you get what i mean...i'm not trying to create a hate thing here but i feel that as asians sometimes we are too nice not knowing when to say no...especially if you're a christian la...i'm not generalizing here but hei...i too want to be pampered and love and be treated like an heir of a multi billionaire...so please tell me...when is enough...enough...


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